Forgiveness— A Way Out
Ever heard of these lyrics, “Let it go, let it go, can’t hold it back anymore!” In the film, Let It Go is a moment of dark irony and mockery where Elsa’s freedom doesn’t just mean lifelong loneliness but everlasting winter for everybody else. But when I heard it for the first time, I intercepted a different meaning. A song, which brings out a truck load of human emotions including liberation, regret, passion and forgiveness. Let’s talk about forgiveness.
“FORGIVE”, just a 7 letter word but the weight it carries, is much more. We are human beings, we make mistakes. I agree that not every mistake is forgivable but peace of mind is serene at any cost. It is necessary for us to maintain a positive relation with everybody in order to remove the toxicity in our lives. Forgiveness plays an important role in interpersonal interactions with fellow human beings, especially the offender. It is a positive emotion which offers compassion over vengeance and revenge.
Have you ever felt a kind of heaviness inside you, the weight that is stopping you to be progressive in life? If yes, it is the pain and betrayal you have received from the person at fault because of which you have gone in a mode of denial. Forgiveness has proven to be a shield from stress and mental illness. As people start to forgive, the connection between stress and mental health issues disappears.
Yet, forgiving is not an easy task. It makes you face the hurt, analyse it and respond to it positively. It makes you brave enough to get rid of your anxiety and anger. When we are angry from someone, we give the power and remote of our reactions in their hands. They start overpowering us and affect every decision made by us. Our thought process becomes destructive for ourselves.
We need to break the chain that is held by the one who has wronged us in order to remove his/her unhealthy hold on us. The fog of vengeance starts to clear out and the clarity sets in. Forgiveness helps to leave past our pain and step into future filled with new hopes and opportunities.
I personally believe in “Forgive, don’t forget”. But not forgetting things doesn’t mean to build a defensive wall around us but to remember the lesson learned and safeguard yourself from being the victim of same betrayal. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean to have them in your life but to move on without them. Forgiving helps us to strengthen our relationships with our dear ones.
Try finding your broken pieces and mend them together. Start expressing how you feel to the offender so that he or she knows how you feel about the whole incident; but in a positive way. Restructure your life the way you want. Forgiveness increases your well-being and lifts up your dull mood. You can decide if you want to work things out, or just walk away or do something else.
At last I conclude my point of view by stating a fact, that you are a strong person if you have the ability to forgive someone. It helps you to evolve even stronger and construct what you dream to be.