Humans Are Simply Complex
Human Beings are combinations; combinations of good and bad, pure and evil, pain and joy, highs and lows. The point being that we are not 100% black or 100% white; we all lie in the grey belt of human existence. This does not mean that we are inherently bad but have only changed over a period of time or have become more flexible due to circumstances.
No two humans are same; not even twins! Everybody has a different mind-set, opinions and thought process. Still we try to force our facts and opinions on others and want them to understand. “Can he not understand a thing this small?”, “It wasn’t supposed to be done this way”, etc. Only because that is our way of doing things doesn’t mean they would do the same.
Every person might react differently to same situation and same person might react differently in different scenarios. Your way of handling situations differs from others due to various factors which might include your upbringing, your ethics and values, your ability to take decisions and your potential to reason. But this doesn’t mean that others are wrong. We need to accept that a single problem might have multiple correct solutions and sometimes the combination of those might give the optimal answer!
People who say they don’t judge others are hypocrite. The reason behind this is not because we want to but when something is different from what we have seen or learnt all our lives or when something not so traditional happens; we are bound to compare it with what we would have done in the same situation. And this is where we need to be empathetic. Nobody can think like you; you might have same opinions but the thought process…nah!
To add more to this; the definition of right or wrong is defined differently in each culture. Each community/culture has made certain rules and regulations to classify something that can be approved or rejected. The questions that arise are, “Who are we to decide what is wrong or right for someone else?”, “Who gives us the authority to judge someone who was brought up in a completely different social setting than ours?” & “Does anyone even has the final authority to judge someone on the basis of decisions made through a complete different perspective?”
Giving everyone benefit of doubt and accepting that others with different beliefs and answers can be correct too might solve this situation to a bigger and greater extent. Trusting others even though you have doubts and not jumping to conclusions help others to rely on you. A doxastic behavior on your part might allow people to be more comfortable with you.
As stupid it might sound to give this benefit of doubt to people despite having proof that they did something wrong; do it, it will bring only positivity. It will help us to break through our narrow mindedness and gain clarity. Carrying yourself ahead with this little change can bring layers of improvement in your social life.
Life is about the grey areas. Things are seldom black and white; even when we wish they were and think they should be, they are not!